This is a loan. A loan is something you have to pay back, and that's precisely what you will do with this. You will see an increase of $100 you owe the Feds on your 2006 taxes. Actually you'll see a little more than $100 because you will be charged interest on the money "rebated" to you.
What's more you can't say "NO." This is a loan from the Feds, actually Republicans, that you will be forced to accept.
So while you are pondering if you can squeeze more than a week's worth of driving from the $100 "relief" bribe, uh, I mean check you will receive, let me offer some other suggestions of what to do with the money:
- Give your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to Habitat for Humanity. Katrina victims still need our help. You can even do it through the Randi Rhodes show
- Donate your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to Democracy for America
- Donate your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to help our veterans by giving to the Disabled American Veterans.
- Donate your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to Greenpeace
- Give your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to American Progress Action Fund
- Give your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to MoveOn.Org
- Donate your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to Heartland PAC
- Donate your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to FAIR
- Donate your $100 bribe/insult/"relief" check to Media Matters
- Donate to any of the organizations in the right column