There is a McCain sign generator already and I found a gem of a sign created by the generator at Post Punk Kitchen

There is also one by an obvious Stephanie Miller fan.

So I got to work. I didn't use the generator much. I'm one of those who contributes to "Photoshop Fun" on the Stephanie Miller website.
Given the story that the McCain campaign may well quash troopergate. People in Palin's administration have been told not to honor their subpoenas, I thought they needed a sign.

No. I'm NOT doing Bill Engvall.
I just thought that since I've seen so many "such and such for McCain signs" a truly justified sign was needed:

Free Dictionary defines the word this way:
scoff·law (n)
One who habitually violates the law or fails to answer court summonses.
Ding, ding, ding - a definition meant for the Bush/Cheney/McCain/Palin/Republican legacy if there ever was one.
Then there was news today ofPalin putting herself on the top of the ticket. So I thought I'd help the McCain campaign by correcting their signs:

(yeah I know, how "concern troll" of me)
But then something said on either Keith's or Rachel's show got me to thinking. Where have I read about Palin's type before?
Then "wham" I was bitten by a pitbull soccer mom wearing lipstick. I think I've figured out why McCain is so enamored with Palin (well other than him checking out her ass 15 times while fiddling with his wedding ring) . . . she reminds McCain of an old girlfriend:

or as he knew her by her maiden name:

But then we come to the biggest gaffe today.. which lead to this sign

Okay, yes, I'm a nerd, who likes to play on my computer. Sometimes it helps get over all the outrage of the day.
Livia was the 3rd wife of Julius Caesar and a real piece of work. She is rumored to have helped do away with Caesar's older children so that her son, Tiberius, not even Caesar's natural child could assume the throne.
Generally considered power hungery and the real power behind the throne.
If Roman laws would have allowed her to rule, she would have in a heart beat.
cross posted at DailyKos